Discoveroo Wooden Garbage Truck Playset Review

  • 11 years ago
Since there were no reviews I could refer to when making my decision to purchase this innovative toy, I hope this helps future buyers. After endless comparisons of shapesorting toys, I settled on this one for these reasons durable, safe wooden toy multipurpose of a vehicle plus sorter variety of shapes. My 8monthold son was mesmerized upon introduction, and this toy puzzled and therefore satisfied him for over an hour the first day. At his age, he basically sat with the truck, attempting to place the shapes into their spaces, and rolled the truck back and forth a bit very gentle play. By day 2, the triangle was cracked and paint was peeling from the cylinder. Beware Made In China. I have contacted the seller and will followup on this review to report the outcome of that. Jolity seems to have high customer satisfaction and Im hopeful this will be easily resolved... stay tuned.