• 12 years ago
Riddled with corruption, theft and sabotage: why the Niger Delta and oil do not mix

For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/66104/short-films/a-crude-extraction-hd.html
Learn more about this story on the Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/video/2013/oct/07/niger-delta-nigeria-oil-spill-cost-crude-video

Heavily polluted from 50 years of living with the oil industry, the Niger Delta is riddled with corruption, oil theft and sabotage. This investigation reveals why oil and the Delta's residents do not mix.

Nigeria says it's losing 400,000 barrels of oil a day to criminal activity. "The military are the biggest players. There's nothing you can do without seeking their consent", says a local oil trader. Nnimmo Bassey of Oil Watch International agues that, "oil has been the major factor that has dislocated everything", but others believe it can still benefit the local people.

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