Human rights reports renew debate on Obama’s drone policies

  • 11 years ago
Reports published by two prominent human rights groups on Tuesday criticized the Obama administration's drone strategy, accusing the White House of indiscriminately killing civilians and ignoring international law.

"Will I be next?" by Amnesty International and "Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda," by Human Rights Watch give detailed accounts of drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, including the number of suspected operations and the amount of deaths - both among militants and civilians.

Amnesty called on the Obama administration to launch investigations into the killings that they say could violate international law.

"The most challenging situation we had to face was the complete and utter secrecy of the U.S. authorities. Because of that, we cannot be 100 percent certain, but we are very concerned that these and other killings documented in our report may constitute extra-judicial executions or war crimes," said Mustafa Qadri, Amnesty International's Pakistan researcher.