Managing Fears - ToastMasters

My Learningz

by My Learningz

Standing infront of the audience and speaking infront of huge crowd is a terrifying situation in start for all public speakers.

The good news is that all public speakers were afraid of public speaking and there are some techniques they worked on to manage those fears.

In this video ToastMaster has discussed the Emotional Triggers and Physical symptoms of public speaking fear.

The emotional triggers carry the fear of unknown and being judged as failure and bore by audience, whereas the physical symptoms are still hands, dry mouth, fast heartbeat and sweapts.

Well fortunately all of these fears can be managed by taking following steps:

1) PRACTICE: You cannot be perfect and good unless you try practically whatever you want to do.

2) VISUALIZE: Imagine yourself giving a great speech infront of a multitude. Imagine yourself as a successful public speaker, imagine the success before it happens.

3) PAUSE & DRINK: This tech helps managing dry mouth meanwhile your speech. If neccessary, take a pause and sip a drink during your speech, I remember Jim Rohn doing it in most of his speeches. There is no shame in it.

4) RELAX: Just be cool, don't lose your control over yourself. Remember that your fears in control of you, not yourself is in control of your fears.

Apply these techniques next time and deliever a great public speech.

Best of luck for becoming a successful public speaker.

Regards: Talha Khurshid Siddiqui "Co-Founder of"