Geo News Great Debate: Political parties on terror (28 April 2013)

  • 11 years ago
Ajmal Khan Wazir, member of the Political Parties Joint Committee on FATA Reforms, speaks during the 2013 election campaign about necessary reforms in the tribal areas (beginning at 18:20 in video).

As a participant in one installation of the Geo News Great Debate series, Wazir relates that political parties are united on reforms for FATA. He also indicates specific changes needed to ensure free and fair elections for FATA citizens.

Moderator: “What steps are needed to curb militancy and terrorism once for all? What are the obstacles? What will be your strategy if you come into power?”

Ajmal Khan Wazir: “Since 1901 we are leading a life like slaves under the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR), and the situation in Karachi is nothing like that of FATA. Read more:
