Dog Shot With Pellet Gun Now Able to Stand

  • 11 years ago
A dog named Dodger was discovered dragging his back legs along Highway 30 in St. Louis County in September of this year, but the once severely injured pooch is now able to stand on all four legs.

Many dogs have a miserable start to life, but with help from some caring individual, there’s always a chance of better future. A dog named Dodger is a perfect example.

The black lab mix was discovered dragging his back legs along Highway 30 in St. Louis County in September of this year, but the once severely injured pooch is now able to stand on all four legs.

He had reportedly been shot in the back with a pellet gun. The pellet was found still lodged in his spine.

Since the dog was found and picked up by a Good Samaritan, Open Door Animal Sanctuary immediately jumped to the rescue, providing shelter, nourishment and medical care including surgery to remove the pellet and hydrotherapy to help him move again.

Although Dodger is not yet able to walk, the fact that he can stand on his own is a huge step in the right direction, meaning he may soon be placed up for adoption . Open Door Animal Sanctuary is also determined to find out who harmed the now 4-month-old puppy.

The organization is offering a $1,000 reward for anyone with information about the suspects responsible for shooting Dodger.
