WEB NEWS - Muslim Brotherhood's four-fingered R4bia symbol

  • 11 years ago
Today on the net: the "R4bia" salute, the new symbol for supporters of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. Chinese web users campaign to get shark fin off the menu. And Saudi web users take to Twitter to demand wage increases.
Muslim Brotherhood's four-fingered R4bia symbol
Dozens of people were killed in Egypt in Sunday during clashes between security forces and members of the Muslim Brotherhood who had gathered to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. A lot of demonstrators were seen making this gesture with four fingers raised and the thumb drawn across the palm.
Known as the "R4bia" (Rabia, meaning "four" in Arabic) salute, it’s also a reference to the ruthless and bloody crackdown in Cairo’s Rabia al Adawiyya square. On August 14, the army stormed protest camps to forcefully evict thousands of supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi.
The "R4bia" has since become a rallying symbol for supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, displayed in the streets or on social networks to pay tribute to victims of the repression, and also to denounce what they consider to be a military coup d’état against a democratically elected government.
And now Muslim web users the world over in Tunisia, Turkey, and also Indonesia for example are picking up on the symbol, using it to show their solidarity with Egypt’s deposed Islamist president and the Muslim Brotherhood.
There have also been countless parodies of the black image on a yellow background doing the rounds online, most of them created by opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood to poke fun at their political rivals.
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