[RANDOM] My Top 30 K-pop boy groups(& their songs)

  • 11 years ago
"[RANDOM] My Top 20 Bias Ranking" vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOlbAN5gZEA
I uploaded it on YouTube, but it has been blocked, so I'm putting it here :)
This is MY personal ranking, and there are Idol groups & bands which charmed me right away when I started listening to K-pop(in 2010) till now. I used my fav songs for cuts and I focused on cutting my bias part & chorus, if it was possible :)
I guess that for those who knows me, first 3 wouldn't be a suprise xD There is one song sang in Japanese, but it is my favourite from that Korean-Japanese group, and I would like to hear korean version :)
If u want me to make an reaction video, write it on comments. If u like my video, and want to know about another, subscribe :)

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