LORE - Dark Souls Lore in a Minute!

  • 11 years ago
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It is time to dive into the depths for the LORE of Dark Souls... Have Fun!

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In the beginning, the world was a barren landscape; cold, harsh, and unforgiving. It was ruled by dragons whose magical scales granted them immortality and thus, eternal dominion over the world. This era was known as the Age of the Ancients until Fire was born. Fire brought with it heat and cold, life and death, Light and Dark, and finally the four Souls of Lords.

The first three were claimed by Nito, the First of the Dead, The Witch of Izalith and her daughters of Chaos, and Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight. Together with the power of the Lord Souls, these gods challenged the ancient dragons for dominion over the land. Nito, with death and disease, The Witch of Izalith, with immense firestorms, and Gwyn, with bolts of light that penetrated the scales of immortality, they vanquished the dragons and ushered in the golden Age of Fire.

The fourth soul was claimed by the furtive pygmy and passed down through his lineage for ages to come. But the power of the Lord Souls began to wane and the end of the Age of Fire was imminent. It is said that Lord Gwyn's unwillingness to end of the Age of Fire gave way to undeath, and with it, the Hollow - those who have become undead and insane. However, a prophecy tells of a Chosen Undead that will ring the Bells of Awakening and usher in the Dark Age.



Written by Phil

Voiced by Josh from IndieStatik

Edited by Erin "Killer" Sievers

Art by Jeremey "TerminalMontage"

LORE - Dark Souls Lore in a Minute!


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