Man vs train: Michigan City trailer park resident hit by 110 mph train

  • 11 years ago
Train hits man walking along railway tracks: Michigan City-area man Daryl See miraculously survived a collision with an Amtrak passenger train travelling at 110 miles per hour. The 22-year-old was taking a stroll along tracks near the trailer park in which he resides, east of the Indiana city.

See told later told police he was wearing headphones, which presumably blocked out the sound of the hundreds of tonnes of metal rocketing toward him. The train's driver sounded the horn and slammed on the emergency brakes before impact which threw him some 150 feet and shattered his body.

The full-frontal collision amazingly left the man only with fractures to his pelvis, a broken arm and non-life-threatening neck injuries.

LaPorte County police Maj John Boyd said the train's angled front may have deflected some of the impact's force, ultimately saving the young man from what most would think was certain death.

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