Greek far-right members in court

  • 11 years ago

Members of Greece's Golden Dawn party appeared before an investigating magistrate on Tuesday (October 1) to enter pleas on charges of belonging to a criminal organisation after being arrested following the killing of an anti-fascist rapper on September 17.

Four of the party's lawmakers will also appear in court later in the day.

The 13 members, four lawmakers and leader have been held at police headquarters since their arrest at the weekend. Party leader Nikolaos Mihaloliakos will answer to charges on Wednesday (October 2) while deputy leader Christos Pappas will see the magistrate on Thursday (October 3).

Police have been conducting searches at the homes and offices of the members, allegedly finding weapons in some and Nazi and fascist memorabilia in others.

In the home of deputy leader Christos Pappas Nazi flags and helmets were allegedly found, along with wine bottles with pictures of Italian Fascist leader Benito Musso
