WEB NEWS - Anti-government protests in Sudan

FRANCE 24 English

par FRANCE 24 English

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Today on the net: anti-government protests in Sudan; a website showing how French funds are being used to rebuild Mali; and a video showcasing a new extreme sport…
Anti-government protests in Sudan
The president of Sudan Omar al-Bashir promised to raise the minimum wage on Sunday in a bid to placate demonstrators who have been protesting for the past week, slamming the dramatic rise in fuel prices prompted by the government’s decision to lift gasoline subsidies.

As we can see in these photos posted online by pro-democracy activist group Girifna, the rallies were violently repressed by police. The authorities, who are said to be responsible for the deaths of dozens of protesters since the start of the movement, claim the pictures have been staged.
The government maintains tight control over local media, but according to analysis from the team at Renesys, there was also a 24 hour Internet blackout on Wednesday. The outage in Sudan could well have been orchestrated by the authorities to stop demonstrators from coordinating protests or sharing reports from the scene on social networks.
So facing total censorship, computer specialists have set up this interactive map using the Ushahidi software. Citizens can submit reports of rallies, protests that have turned violent, arrests and other events via SMS and they will then be pegged to the crowd mapping platform.
The protest movement began after the country’s separation from South Sudan in 2011 left the nation facing a financial crisis, which has now taken a political turn. Protesters have taken to the streets and to the web calling for the ouster of Omar al-Bashir and a change in government.

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