"Souls of Gold" Sister Crayon

  • 11 years ago
Directed and Edited by Ariana Natale
Directors of Photography: Sujit Anand, Erina Digby (cargocollective.com/erinadigby/)
Executive Producer: Jack Richardson
Producer: Judy Craig
Associate Producer: Ignacio Lopez
Art Direction: Olivia Natale
Assistant Editor: Rachel Globe
Production Company: The Masses (wearethemasses.com/)
Featuring the kids of HOLA (heartofla.org/)
Special thanks to Matt Amato, Lucy and Ben Natale, Carol and Ashley Boznanski, Lisa Tobari, Alex Pelly, Brandon Epstein, Seth Cummings, Nara Hernandez, Basak Erol, Eli Stonberg, and Heart of Los Angeles
