Discovered Burkina Faso, country of the honorable people in west Africa (URBANO TOURISME)

  • il y a 11 ans
Situated at the heart of western Africa, Burkina, country of the honorable people is limited to the North and the West by Mali, in the Northeast by Niger, in the Southeast by Benin and in the South by Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast.

Burkina Faso has a very rich and varied tourist and cultural heritage. From a region to the other one, the lifestyles, the customs, the activities, the small business crafts and the holidays present real specificities. The music and the dance occupy naturally a big place in the culture Burkinabe. The fauna is plentiful and varied, in particular in the Southeast.

Besides its appropriate interest, Burkina Faso also possesses an asset in its closeness of Mali (in particular the Dogon Country) and of Benin (wild life parks of the North), what makes it a good base to investigate the region.

URBANO TOURISME AGENCE, your susceptible on all Africa will make you live and discover this wonderful country.

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