BDS TOUR 2013 Eng Subt.

  • il y a 11 ans
Some 200 women, men and children from France, but also from Belgium, Great Britain, Switzerland and even the USA, devoted part of their holidays, between 12 and 24 August 2013 to present the international BDS campaign (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) to holiday-makers and residents of a dozen towns in the South of France.
Information actions on the market and in supermarkets, street theatre, concerts, were received with enthusiasm, thus showing that Palestine, far from being a taboo subject, has become a very popular cause. Children and adults came to meet us to discuss, get information, sign the petition against the torture of Palestinian children, and leave their particulars in order to keep in touch.
A total of 39,000 flyers concerning the campaign to boycott Israel were distributes, several thousand signatures were obtained and as many postcards to send François Hollande to tell him to stop encouraging the Israeli occupation and colonisation.
Many thanks to all those who participated in this beautiful initiative, and especially to the musicians who were with us: Abdel, Jean-Claude, Rico and Hamza.