Binge Eating_ Curbing the Urge

  • 11 years ago It's not about how much you eat, it's how you eat it. When I'm feeling on my game, life is good, things are great - I can easily say, "no, thank you" if offered food when I'm not hungry. I can be comfortably in my home with scrumptious food in the refrigerator without being compelled to finish the whole bowl. I eat when I'm hungry and thoroughly enjoy it. But then there comes a moment when I find myself eating when I know I'm not hungry. It might be one cookie, or a few Tootsie Rolls, or 3 pizzas. Regardless of the amount, if you eat them with urgency, desperation, and the pressing need for an altered state, it's a binge. It's a way to deny, swallow, push down or escape feelings. For more resources, tips and compassion, visit
