Slight Sound Savage ( SSS ) - Love Genesis ( The Human Kind Story )

  • il y a 11 ans
Thanks for listening :) Story of this music below !


I imagined while composing this music the story of the earth , from ancient to modern times , once we were " primitiv " now " intelligent " , acting since thousand of years like simple toys , never learning from our mistakes , doing some bad shits at every period of time , but also I imagined all the good things we've made and we are . I saw animals , those silent creatures , always keeping their mouth shut while they are so important and have so much to say ( yes this is the weed part ) , I found good to put some animals sounds to immerse you more in that story , this is no big deal but that's fun .The weed part continue , I imagined there was others kind of life elsewhere in this universe, coz finally it's rational , maybe watching us , knowing us , helping us , it could be ET's or " god " or whatever his name , I saw it was there , and pure...
What more ? mmh here is the technical part !

I used Massive VST for all synths and basses , for drums I used Battery 3 and , vocals are homemade recorded month ago with a H4 mic , words are saying " Feeeel " and " I'm a bird hoo " , original sentence was " I Feel , I float , I'm a bird ho " , I pitched them obviously .
Picture is a screenshot taken from 2001 a Space Odysee , if some of you saw it :-)

Well I think that's all , if you have some question just ask me i'll be here to answer you , now just listen , enjoy and imagine whatever you want ( maybe share what you saw ? ) ;-)

-SSS- " Don't forget to live ;-) "

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