Kochadaiyaan Teaser - There is very good news for all the Rajinikanth fans as his much awaited film Kochadaiyan's Teaser trailer is going to release on 9th September. The first teaser of superstar Rajinikanth-starrer Tamil period-drama "Kochadaiyaan" will be released on the festive occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, this was announced by the director of the film Soundarya Ashwin. The film will feature Rajinikanth in dual role, while Sarath Kumar, Shobana, Aadi Pinisetty and Nassar will be seen in important roles. Also starring Deepika Padukone and Jackie Shroff, "Kochadaiyaan" is going to be India's first motion capture technology film being made along the lines of those Hollywood films like "Avatar" and "Tin Tin".
Short film