• 11 years ago
Rainer have confirmed release of their debut single - a double A-side comprising two of life's most important currencies, Girls / Money will be released on 9th September via ASL Records – home to Josef Salvat, Paws, Gita and Crushed Beaks.

Rainer - Rebekah Raa and producer Casually Here - met through mutual friends and late nights, realising that working together could consist of a lot of watching hiphop videos on YouTube with a bit of music making on the side.

Says Rebekah of Girls: “Girls is kind of about how far people go to try to make themselves look like perfection in their own eyes”, and of Money: "I'm trying to highlight this weird contract you make with yourself to spend your life doing something which makes you miserable to buy the freedom to do something you love. The effort/reward disparity can seem a bit screwed up sometimes."


29th September - Dummy AGM @ London Fields Brewery (tickets: http://billetto.co.uk/dummy-agm)

