New Basketball Has Built-In Coaching Device

  • 11 years ago
A new Kickstarter project is geared towards helping those who are looking to perfect their basketball shooting. Called Evo One, it essentially uses a device inside of the basketball to help players improve their game.

With any sport, the key to getting better is steady practice and good coaching.

A new Kickstarter project is geared towards helping those who are looking to perfect their basketball shooting.

Called Evo One, it essentially uses a device inside of the basketball to help players improve their game. The designers behind Evo One stated “Its multi-functional features allow you to easily transition it from your traditional basketball to your professional shooting coach without the need of any external gadgets: apps, smartphones, bluetooth, or downloads.”

When it’s activated, the shock resistant micro-sensor measures the axes, balance and backspin rate of the basketball. Audible-feedback emits from the device only if optimal backspin of 2 revolutions per second is reached.

Basically, if the shot is perfect, the basketball will emit praise. If the shot is wobbly or slow, no audible feedback will be heard.

The device can easily be removed from the ball, so it can be used in the traditional way, without any pressure on the player. The minds behind the project have worked since 2010 to create the final design, testing 8 prototypes over the course of those three years.
