Nigeria’s accomplished film-maker, Tunde Kelani has unveiled the poster and cast of his next movie, Dazzling Mirage which parades A-list actors like Kunle Afolayan and Yomi Fash-Lanso. For Afolayan, it is a return to where it all started. His first shot at acting was Kelani’s Saworoide where he starred as Aresejabata alongside Khabirat Kafidipe (Araparegangan) in 2004. The official poster of Dazzling Mirage, written by Olayinka Abimbola Egbokhare and adapted for screen by Ade Solanke was launched by Mainframe Productions in Lagos last Wednesday. It is a love story marked by acts of betrayal and loyalty such as in the life of a typical sickle cell person.
Short film