Seven-story building collapses in Egyptian city of Alexandria

  • 11 years ago

At least two people died when a seven-story building collapsed in Egypt's coastal city of Alexandria on Sunday (August 25), said the local authorities.

Rescuers searched for victims amid rubble at the collapse site in Sidi Gaber neighborhood as soldiers and spectators looked on.

Security officials said that the collapse could have been caused by the construction work taking place next door, local newspaper al Ahram reported.

Authorities later confirmed that the two victims were Mostafa Abdel Hamid, a 65-year-old retired military general and his wife, 55-year-old Amaal Gadallah.

Sunday's tragedy was the second incident of its kind to take place in Egypt's second largest city this year. On January 16 a building collapsed in Alexandria, killing at least 28 people, according to al Ahram.