Mind Control | State of Mind Movie Review | Dailymotion version

  • 11 years ago
View the original version here https://vimeo.com/72874936

Last month (July 2013) Free Mind Films released their latest documentary titled State of Mind.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to view it

These filmmakers have done a brilliant job distilling an incredible amount of data down into 110 minutes. Their facts come from many sources, and the filmmakers cite their sources so you can easily check the source material yourself..

And they were able to interview many of the recognized experts on Mind Control.

Its amazing to learn just how much time and resources the governments of Earth have spent on research and development of mind control technologies. Would a government by the people and for the people spend a fortune of the peoples' money over a period of decades researching and developing mind control technology? For what purpose? How does that benefit the people?

Another thing that really shocked me is to learn the true history of our "education system". If you look at it, government run schools are merely training students, not educating them. Could this be why home schooling is so looked down upon? Why is government schooling compulsory?

Then there is TV -- optimized to put an individual into a light hypnosis, thereby becoming highly suggestible. Add the Big Pharma drug culture into the mix and one is being hit from all directions.

Watch the movie -- I give it 5 stars. I've bought a box of DVD's that I'm handing out to my friends, and I haven't done anything like this in years.

I'll include some links below for your review, and to purchase the DVD if you're interested.

I wanna leave you with one question to ponder...

...What is the last original thought you had?
