Fuck women- Douche Kafeela (official music video)

  • 11 years ago
Rap legend Douche Kafeela hits hard in his new controversial song "Fuck women", from the best selling album "Snortin coke and fuckin bitches". Douche Kafeela wrote the song to show how he really feels about women or as he quotes "My low life bitches who are only good for suckin ma dick". Douche Kafeela's song has caused controversy across America and has increased abuse in women since its release. Douche Kafeela said in an interview with Morgan Smith "I don't give a shit if my motha fuckin song pisses off Americans and bitches, fuck America and fuck women, they dserve to get they asses beat, I'm a motha fuckin man". The song has atracted more women to sleep with the rapper, and Douche Kafeela has had sex with over 20 more women a night since he released the song. Song produced and published by CrackweedIndustries.
