Allama Mashriqi's daughter, Masuda Yousaf, who knew the truth about India's partition.

  • 11 years ago

By Nasim Yousaf

I grew up listening to my mother’s accounts of the fight for the freedom of the Indian sub-continent. She told us about her father, Allama Mashriqi, as well as Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Jawarharlal Nehru and others. ..
Masuda Begum (later Mrs. Masuda Yousaf) was born in Lahore in 1930. The youngest daughter of Allama Mashriqi (from his first wife, Vilayat Begum), she came from a family of nobility, a family comprised of highly distinguished individuals from the Indian sub-continent. Her paternal ancestors were part of the Mughal courts. The villages of Hameedpur and Bayazeedpur in the district of Gurdaspur in India were named after them (Diwan Mohammad Hameed Khan and Diwan Mohammad Bayazeed Khan respectively). Her grandfather, Khan Ata Muhammad Khan (1846-1925), was a high-standing intellectual…
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