Inside Story - Egypt: Revolution or Uprising?

  • 11 years ago
Egypt's path towards political transition is taking an ever more challenging series of twists and turns. Following the Arab Spring, Egypt saw its first freely-elected civilian president. Then, soon after, it encountered a military overthrow. Now the army has called on the people to take to the streets on Friday. It has made clear that it intends the day to mark a turning point in its confrontation with the followers of Mohamed Morsi, the elected leader the generals removed on July 3. But can there be national unity between groups with such widely differing ideologies and values? And are revolutions enough to achieve democracy? To discuss this, Inside Story, with presenter Mike Hanna, is joined by guests: Zakaryya Abdel-Hady, an assistant professor of Islamic thought and culture at Qatar University; and Azzam Tamimi, the director of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought.