GANGNAM star PSY boozes round the clock.

  • 11 years ago
GANGNAM star PSY boozes round the clock.

Psy is now a world icon in a dance form called Gagnam and it is now household name and dance style in world. Gagnam star Psy is kknown for his boozing culture too. He keeps taking alcohol either in a state of happiness or sadness. Season does not matter. If it is sunny day or showering day, Gagnam star PSY keeps drinking.
Gagnam star when he dances, looks so vivacious, energetic and moving .It is a general assumption that too much alcohal will not keep one’s body erect. It is up-side-down world. Is Gagnam is this kind of dance that keep the world moving as a person moves under alcoholic influence.
So Psy is moving the world with his gangman style dance and he gets inspiration from his boozing habit.
Let us booze like PSY and dance like him only..Gagnam STYLE Gagnam STYLE come and dance…Wow !

Please watch out,,,