How to put RespiFacile

  • il y a 11 ans
In this short video I'm going to show you the unpacking of RespiFacile® nasal dilator, how it works and tips for placing it easily on your nose.

So here's the package we open with one hand placed here, and the other one pulling here.

Inside is the instruction manual in English,French and German

And here is the magic device itself, protected inside its hygenic case.

It's light, very light in fact, it weighs the same as half a piece of A4 paper.

So first of all, how it works will be quick to show:

Without... (Respire)

I have a deviated septum myself as you see. So you hear this familiar noise of stuffiness, which actually becomes a blocked nose during sleep in the horizontal position.

With... (respirer 2 fois)

Again, Without... (Respire)

we hear the congestion as well as see how the nasal valve has collapsed right here.

With... (respirer 2 fois)

We hear the air which this time passes through. It's visually impressive and makes you look like a chimp, but honestly I personnaly prefer looking like a chimp and breathing through my nose when I sleep... especially when you're sleeping in the dark, it's not a beauty contest...

Now we'll see tips to correctly place your RespiFacile® onto your nose.

Here is the RespiFacile® seen from the side. To position it, hold it with 3 fingers using both hands like this, and I approach the camera so you can see clearly. I will position it, pad by pad.

First of all, don't be afraid to manipulate it, it won't break. It's made of flexible titanium.

If we try to place the pad directly, it won't enter easily. This is why we control each pad with 3 fingers, to insert first the thinnest part, and once it is entered, I insert the rest, and continue to hold it.

Same way for the second pad, not forgetting to keep hold of the first one, to ensure the first pad doesn't fall out.

Once the 2 pads are positionned inside at the entrance of the nostrils, I take the skin here with these fingers,

and with the thumbs push it deep into the nose, and then I pivot so that the silicon pad sits high on the bridge of the nose, and will gently grip to stop the device from falling out.

Please check that when looking at it head on, the 2 pads are well entered and are sitting at the same level.

Not like this or like that, just at the same level

Again once the device is in place, we hear the effortless passage of air... (respirer 2 fois)

And obviously then if I take it off, we can hear the congestion as well as see how the nasal valve has collapsed right here.

Again when it's in place... effortless
There's of course no trick (intonation), these are the real sounds.

A simple remark, the first few times you will probably need to do it in front of a mirror, but once we know how to place it, it is possible to do it as quickly as this.

It takes 1 second.

In the morning, we remove it gently like this. And if you want to clean it, just soap and water is fine.