
  • 11 năm trước


00:00In the next few movies I'm going to build a more complicated application that's going
00:08In this video I'll start by setting up the application structure, so I'll get going with
00:19So I'll start by changing the name of the application at the top, and I'm going to add
00:30Now I'm going to take this logout link, and I'll just move it to the top after we check for a user.
00:42In the same way I'm going to modify the login link.
00:50I'm also going to get rid of the Hello text.
01:02We'll use a div to wrap around our data, and then place all the friend's info in another div.
01:13So first I'll take this URL right here, and I'll modify it by making it a div, and I'll
01:25And I'll also get rid of the code for the list items.
01:38Now we'll wrap each friend's information with a class of friend info.
01:45The class is going to be friendinfo, and this will also inherit our group class.
01:54So I'm going to go ahead and save and switch back to my app, and I'll refresh.
02:03You now have a little bit of a headline, plus you also have the photo and the name of each
02:10There is a little more code that wraps all this together into something that we're going
02:18So even though we've done a little bit more set up, and it doesn't quite look right we've