
  • 11 năm trước


00:00So far we've learned that we can access open graph data by making a request to the Open Graph API with a path.
00:11for developers called the Open Graph API Explorer, so let's take a look.
00:19If you watch the movie on using Graph API paths, you know how to construct simple paths
00:29This tool let's you quickly try out connections and view sample data for different users,
00:38connections that require certain permissions. You should already see a sample path in the
00:46At the very top of the window there is a pop-up menu where you can choose the application
00:55applications requested the token that allows you to approximate how this app would work
01:03If you hit the Debug button, you'll be taken to a new page, it shows you information about the current access token.
01:15has, let's close the Debug window.
01:25from the list of permissions available to us.
01:35This is also a good place to check out the names of specific permissions you want to request.
01:45the permissions, but sometimes you need to consult the API Graph documentation that's at this URL.
01:56any special notes on permissions on the right.
02:03the photos and albums uploaded by the user, as well as photos in which the user has been tagged.
02:12Right underneath the access token area, we can choose whether we want to query Facebook
02:23use this page to test out your FQL queries.
02:31Doing different things like posting to a user's wall or deleting items requires different types of requests.
02:43Underneath there's a list of items you're requesting, at the bottom of this list is
02:52Now we'll need to hit the Submit button to submit this new path.
03:03Let's add another permission here.
03:08This happens for one of two reasons.
03:15not filled this out in their profile. In both cases the field will be grayed out.
03:27You can always go back and click on Get Access Token and add additional permissions for different things.
03:40So here we didn't get a birthday for this user, not because they didn't enter that information,
03:49make sure that we include user birthday.
03:57Open Graph API, so I'll hit Allow.
04:06Let's try something else. We'll try connection this time like Posts.
04:18additional items from this list to see subcategories underneath posts.
04:28being built with that information.
04:35to limit certain paths and add additional information.
04:42So the Open Graph API Explorer is a really powerful way to visually construct and test