"The No Màs fight" Duran Vs Leonard 2

  • il y a 17 ans
1980-11-25 : Superdome, New Orleans, LA, USA
The “No Màs” fight

The rematch, 5 months ealier Duran beat Leonard and win the WBC Welterweight belt.

Duran quit with 16 seconds to go in the 8th round. Duran claimed he couldn't continue because of stomach cramping, causing referee to call the fight a TKO win for Leonard. Many others felt, however, that Duran had simply quit out of frustration because he was behind in the fight and tired of Leonard's taunting.
At the end of the 7th round all judges had leonard in front:
Mike Jacobs 66-68 |Jean Deswerts 66-68 |James Brimmell 66-67
All those details comes from : www.boxrec.com


