Larger-than-life and soaking wet, Mr Darcy emerges a lake once more

  • 11 years ago
Oh Mr Darcy.

Just when you thought you'd seen it all, Jane Austen's man of means suprises again.

A 12 foot sculpture of the Pride and Prejudice lothario has been erected in the middle of London's Serpentine lake.

Those dipping in for a morning swim said it was a shock, but also a reason to smile.

SOUNDBITE: Unnamed male swimmer, saying (English):

"I think it's rather wonderful actually. Certainly surreal."

SOUNDBITE: Unnamed male swimmer, saying (English):

"Yeah, I mean it was a bit wacky to come down this swimming morning and see Mr Darcy kind of coming out of the Serpentine, but you know, good on you, good on you. It makes swimming a bit more interesting, and I think the swans like it."

SOUNDBITE: Unnamed female runner, saying (English):

"Well I've come for a run round, so I was going to go down to Kensington Gardens, but when I saw that I sort of diverted to come here to get a photo."

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