Silent Night, L.A. Night

  • 11 years ago
Los Angeles. Almost every night I hear the sound of a police helicopter overhead. I'm almost never out of sight of someone talking into a handheld or hands-free device (even without including homeless schizophrenics). Muscle cars are in abundance, as are small residential fires resulting from people losing track of the joint being passed around and the carpet catching fire. I've noticed that designer dogs have replaced children among the trendy. DJs are the aristocracy. Not everyone has a pool—that's a myth—but everyone has access to a pool; that's a fundamental right. I think the only place where one could experience a silent night in L.A. is in one of the heavily insulated soundstages, and then only after the taping is done.

Fun, kinetic music video from the album "Holly and Hearth" ( ).

Note: Please turn off your cell phone before approaching the manger.

Arrangement, MIDI sequencing, mix, video editing and still photography by John Garvey. More info at
Stock video footage from