Ranbir Kapoor & Bebo replaced by Ranveer Singh & PC or Kajol in Film.

  • 11 years ago
Ranbir Kapoor & Bebo replaced by Ranveer Singh & PC or Kajol in Film.

The film maker Zoya Akhtar ‘s next film has more talented actress in stead of Kareena Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor. Before Kareena and Ranbir Kapoor were ready to work in Zoya’s next film as a sister and brother. In real life, Bebo aka Kareena Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor are proximare sister and brother in relation.
But they both have no time for Zoya Akhtar’s film.. Zoya may have got a jolt about these two much sought stars of Bollywood and it would have been a great scintillation for trade point of view. But Zoya Akhtar has brought a burning revelation for trade and that is.. in stead of Kareena Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor,Bollywood sirens Priyanka Chopra or Kajol will perform as sister of a new entrant Bollywood’s young star Ranveer Singh..
Priyanka or Kajol are also more talented actress , get in the film. Zoya Akhtar is rapport with Priyanka Chopra because of her act as lead role in BROTHER Farahan’s DON 2….
Both Priyanka Chopra and Kajol sound very good for trade also…
Zoya is now more happy ..Whoh !!!!!

Please watch out,