What Are The Best MLM Leads

  • 11 years ago
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What Are The Best "MLM Leads"?

I am asked almost daily what exactly are the best "MLM leads" and where do I get them? The first thing you need to understand is that a lead list is nothing more than a place to start your business. You need to talk to someone, and that starts with a list. I am not referring to the list of family, friends and everyone that you ever met including your 1st grade teacher list. You remember that list, the one your sponsor told you to put together the first night, the list that is going to make you rich. It could, but odds are against that happening.

Where do you find the best "MLM leads"?

The best "MLM leads" are generated through your own marketing and lead funnels. While some type of purchased list may be a good place to get you started while you are generating those leads, your own home grown, self generated leads will always be the best choice. Many folks have been hugely successful in this industry approaching their warm market. Others have made a fortune with genealogy lists. I am not saying that these methods are not effective, I am saying that for the vast majority of network marketers these are difficult and painful methods of building their business.

Lets look at the best "MLM leads" choices.

Genealogy Lists: These list are typically compiled lists (sometimes company specific) which were sold by a former distributor in a particular company. The distributor will sell his downline information when he leaves that company or more usually, when the company goes out of business. These type of lists do contain gold, but there is usually a lot of digging to find it. What specifically makes genealogy lists effective, is that the people have already said yes to the network marketing industry. These folks may be disgruntled with the industry because their company just let them down, but they have seen the potential. These lists can be pure gold but they require a certain personality to work them effectively.

Opportunity Seekers: While these are sold with many various labels, they are simply names of people who have expressed an interest in a business of their own, a work from home opportunity or answered and ad for earning some extra money. Working opportunity seeker leads requires a special dedication. Most network marketers will attempt to work these leads but will quit after a few hours or days. The rejection level and overall lead quality is poor. Not that you can't find gold in them there lists, it generally will frustrate even the most seasoned of phone prospectors.

Here is how I generate the best "MLM leads"!

What I have chosen to do to generate the best "MLM leads" for my is business is to implement a personally branded lead generation system. This system allows me to target, attract and build a personal relationship with my leads. I have the ability to build hundreds of combinations of sales funnels to appeal to many different types of individuals and backgrounds.