Mohammad Sohail, Turns Robber Away from Life of Crime

Hafiz Usman

by Hafiz Usman

Mohammad Sohail, the proprietor of a deli on Long Island, didn't hesitate when he was accosted back in May by a man with a baseball bat who demanded his money. After having his hands up momentarily, the New York Post reports, Sohail pulled a 9 mm rifle from behind his counter and forced the would-be robber to drop his weapon.

After the robber pleaded for his life, saying he had no choice but to rob to feed his family, Sohail gave him some bread, $40, and sent him on his way.

The story would be astounding enough if it ended right there, but the robber surprised Sohail again just this last week, with a letter containing thanks and $50. The letter discussed how the writer's life had improved since the incident