• 11 years ago
the calculated ASR value can vary depending on user behavior.
60-70% is considered a very good ASR in the VoIP world.
While monitoring all calls in a Voip network can be an invaluable tool, other service metrics should be used as well to measure quality performance. Service-centric metrics based on signaling analysis have proven to be invaluable to high quality voice services. Tracking performance metrics should be done with a fine granularity. For example, it is recommended that a sampling rate of no more than 5 minutes should be used to catch Qoschanges. Some typical performance metric definitions are as follows:

ABR: Answer to Bid Ratio - Answered Calls divided by Attempted Calls in a given time period.

ASR: Answer to Seizure Ratio - Answered Calls divided by voice circuits successfully captured.

CSR: Call Success Ratio - successful call signals divided by attempted call signals; provides a good determination for how well network signaling is working.

CST: Call Setup Time - Defined as: time from last dialed digit to reception of Ringing Tone, is sometimes also referred to as Post Dialed Delay. For a well dimensioned network this figure of merit should be 150 ms or less.
