• 11 years ago

Take a look at what reallly goes on at Arkham. Ever since Dr. Mengele and Dr. Applebee have been running things at Arkham, the situation has gotten worse and worse for the patients.

Here the following report from GCNN:

In other news the esteemed Dr. Applebee (one of the psychologists in-charge of the the Joker rehabilitation) was discharged from police custody today after the DA's office decided to drop the charges of misconduct and torture against him. Commissioner Gorden had this to say:

"Dr. Applebee is an outstanding citizen of Gotham and has done more to rehabilitate the insane than any other member of staff at Arkham. We are pleased that he will soon be doing what he does best again, hammering away at the problems of Gotham city."

For the full report and more about what I do check out my blog: http://harleyandjokerblog.com/

A special thank you to everyone that participated in the making of this video.