Eating Chocolate Gives Eyes A Twinkle

  • 11 years ago
Researchers have found that our eye responds to light differently after we eat chocolate. Chocolate is known to release a chemical in the brain called dopamine, which induces happiness and is also released when human eyes are exposed to light.

Researchers have found that our eye responds to light differently after we eat chocolate.

Chocolate is known to release a chemical in the brain called dopamine, which induces happiness and is also released when human eyes are exposed to light.

Drexel University researchers gave an eye exam to nine people using an ERG test to measure the eye’s response when they ate a chocolate brownie, and when they were given a drug that increases dopamine production in the brain.

The results showed that the retina of the eye responds to both the drugs and chocolate stimulus in a similar way, which was much more noticeable when compared to the subjects response when they were given water.

Dr. Jennifer Nasser, from Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions said: “What makes this so exciting is that the eye’s dopamine system was considered separate from the rest of the brain’s dopamine system. So…many retinography experts told me…that tasting a food that stimulates the brain’s dopamine system wouldn’t have an effect on the eye’s dopamine system.”
