Dental Implants by Barry Brace DMD - St Louis Cosmetic Dentist

  • 11 years ago, Barry Brace DMD has been placing dental implants for about 30 years and recently he shared some of his insights on implant dentistry with other local St Louis dentists who would like to begin offering their patients dental implants as an option for replacing missing teeth.

"Technology has improved the price of dental implants as well as other factors like how long it takes before you can place the final restorations. In the past we believed we needed to wait 6-8 months before placing final restorations. Now we know it only takes 6-8 weeks for the dental implant to integrate with the bone. Therefore, the patient only has to wear a temporary for 8 weeks and then they can have their final restorations!"

If you thought your mouth was beyond repair, or you were just going to have to "live with your dentures" then you are mistaken! Dental implants can be placed to anchor in dentures so you will have as high chewing forces that mimic natural teeth. (Dentures without implants reduce chewing forces to as low as 30 MPa. Chewing forces of natural teeth are around 200 MPa.) You will be able to eat any type of food with implants, your nutrition will be improved, your quality of life will be improved, and you just might live longer! In fact, studies show that people who retain their natural teeth are apt to live ten years longer than those who lose theirs. Dental Implants are just like natural teeth, so you can beat the stats!

Dental implants can anchor in more than dentures, they can replace solo teeth that have been lost, anchor in a bridge over an area where multiple teeth have been lost, etc...

Call Dr. Barry Brace today for an appointment so you can find out how dental implants can change your life at 314-332-1307.

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