MeetCheap is a Dynamic & Powerful Web Conferencing Provider

  • 11 years ago Our unbeatable price point has made it affordable for any country in the world with an Internet connection.

It is no longer a service for deep pockets and large companies. We have made it affordable for everyone.

Many other web conferencing providers charge huge dollars because a third party exists. A third party meaning that the online conference provider may not own such things as:

Lines of code -- Hardware -- Servers - Fiber optics - Location (such as a data center)

All of these if they require a third party will cost you more for your online video conferencing solution. The video conference provider must recover the cost so they put the added cost onto you the consumers.
Here at MeetCheap we own everything including the data center. There is absolutely no middle man or third party with our company.

It is simply us and our customers. We take our third party savings and put them directly onto you, our customers.

We have been providing web conferencing solutions for over 8 years and are constantly improving. Nowhere in the webinar and video conferencing arena will you find everything that we offer for such a low monthly fee.

MeetCheap is a dynamic & powerful web conferencing provider...

This software is ROCK SOLID conducting webinars from anywhere in the world!