K-News - Nintendo E3 2013 Wii U & 3DS

  • 11 years ago
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Nintendo and Capcom have joined forces and Megaman is ready to Vs Mario and Company, in the newest Smash Bros game for Wii U and 3DS. Though Sakuari (Sora LTD) has stated, that MegaMan may be, the only new 3rd party fighter for Super Smash Bros on Wii U & 3DS. Which is odd, because Namco is helping develop the 4th entry...

Super Mario 3D World - Features 4 Player Action and the ability to turn Mario into a Cat! Also the camera moves around, like in Super Mario 64.

Mario Kart 8 coming in 2014! The new Mario Kart Game will contain all of what made you fall in love with the Kart Racing series. The Bikes are back, plus snaking, gliding and underwater travel. New the series is being able to go upside down, using the gravity feature.

Retro Studios new project was NOT Metroid or even Starfox. DK and Diddy return with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Breeze. This time DK can pick up foes and Dixie joins the group. This game will feature Sea creatures as Vikings! It releases this FALL!

Monolith Soft showed a longer trailer for X (Xenoblade 2) during Nintendo's E3 Direct, but didn't have the game playable on the show floor. I am, very much looking forward to this game in 2014 or 2015.

Bayonetta 2 & Wonderful 101 getting multiplayer Wii U ONLY

Sonic Lost Worlds for the Wii U & 3DS. Combines elements from Sonic Extreme (canceled game) and Super Mario Galaxy. Sonic is able to use the Wisp powers again, but now can run up walls, among other new powers. More details as they release, but the game will be available on October 13th in North America.

Sadly, Wii U & 3DS will only have 14 Third Party Games this year. Due to low U sales and tons of 1st Party titles from Nintendo. Big 3rd Party titles releasing this Fall are Batman: Arkham Origins, Black Gate, Rayman Legends, Skylanders Swap Force etc etc

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