Trophée Marie-Agnès Péron (2013)

  • 11 years ago
Trophée Marie-Agnès Péron 2013 (single handed /200nm): Felicity 2 was 34th from 48 serie Mini 650. It is not a very good result, but I really enjoyed this solo race. The Mini 650 sailing boats were sailing very close to eachother… Between my boat and the 33rd Mini was only 1 minutes and I did not find the finish line at night. Between the 30th boat and me was also minutes…
I was really tired not sleep 2nd night at all and I slept only 4 times 15 minutes in the first night. In the 2nd day I had to steering a lot in the down wind sailing, no time to eat and continuously focus 9+8 hours ’run’.
Route: Douarnenez – Iroise Sea – South Brittany – Douarnenez
My biggest technical problem was my broken spi bum rope (jockey poles). When it is happened I was sailing with a Code 5 and a full main sail in 22-24 knots wind (TWA: about 130), my average speed: 11knots … so it was very hard to take the Code 5 down(37m2 asymmetrical spi). I lost 30 minutes… and after I can not use the spi anymore…