My Basic Video Commercial (Doritos "Bird Of Prey") (2013)

  • 11 years ago
This is my commercial that i made in my Basic Video Production class at Monroe Woodbury High School in Central Valley, NY. The commercial is about the infamous Doritos "Bird Of Prey" which should have been in the funny super bowl commercials from last year. I guess that it was not funny enough to be put on TV. Anyways, we thought that it was funny so we made our commercial of it! In the beginning, we thought that we filmed one scene however, we did not film it! You will see it. It is in the beginning of our commercial. Plus, there was major continuity errors as well. I guess editing it in one day, really does not make a good video. But i tried to do a good job on it though.

Special thanks to Mike Mains, Nicholas Santana, and Matthew Heady for a fun great time on filming this!


*Plus, the doritos logo font had actually changed this year and it was funny that the font logo, changed right before we made this video. Haha!

See it for yourself! You seen it here first on dailymotion!
