The Rippln Wealth Revolution - Rippln Explained - What EXACTLY is Rippln

  • 11 years ago
Get an Invite to Rippln

-What is Rippln?
Technical Explanation:
“Rippln is a user acquisition model for the first ever incentivized sharing technology platform. Our unique platform has the ability to track an individual’s social influence and ripple effect across the world... and reward that user for the value they create in the marketplace.
Rippln will be using gamification and rewards for the use of the platform and application. It is essentially a lead generation model that will provide an audience to which the “Players” can share products and be rewarded for it.
We believe people deserve to have transparency in their social graph and they deserve to get rewarded for the value they are creating for these multi-billion dollar tech companies (ex. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Angry Birds etc).

That’s what we are... and our rewards program reflects our innovative approach of valuing the end user in our technology platform. Something other technology platforms have not done before. ”

-What does that mean?

Think of yourself as a pebble dropped into a still pond. You will start a “ripple effect” that spreads out far and wide by inviting “Fans” and teaching them to do the same.
The Rippln Mobile App will incorporate the best of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Gaming and Music into one app (plus a whole lot more). The app will be free of charge and anyone can be a “Fan” for free and use the app.

Imagine what you could do with 10,000 or more “Fans” in your circle of influence!
PLUS, your “Ripples” will continue to grow exponentially!
