Job Board Software, Job Board Design, Job Board Development, Online Recruiting Software

Robert Mathew

by Robert Mathew

Every Business has its own automation strategies to deal with processes. The recruitment agencies, staffing companies and headhunters, which work to connect the global employers and jobseekers, it becomes increasingly important for them to use a seamless platform like a custom Job Board Software. Biggest advantage of a job board software is that being an online platform, its works round o clock to cater employers and jobseekers.
Essentially a job board or job portal brings the best output in term of productivity of any staffing company by helping it managing the millions of profiles at click of a button.
PROVAB TECHNOSOFT ( ) offers a wide range of Job board development process. Client can choose the best job portal, which may suit its niche target market like engineering, nursing, healthcare, sales which can be portrayed by using a specifically categorized job portal design process. Being a leading technology company in job board development since last eight years, we have a list of satisfied clients globally. Please click the following link to review Job Board Software features.
Few special features of our Job Board Software:
• Newsletter Preview Section
• Searching and Sorting Criteria
• Custom Refine Search Methods
• Resume Services as Product Management Category
• Enhanced Admin Consoles
Please find below the link to review the screenshots of the project.
Mobile Apps Development for Job Board: