Real Human Aimbot - Smart Rifle Scope

  • 11 years ago
The Real Human Aimbot - Smart Rifle Scope
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Source: 'Smart Rifle' Begins Shipping to Gun Owners This Week:

TrackingPoint Video: Precision Weapon:

Red Dragon - Human Aimbot:

In this commentary, I discuss the new Smart Rifle by TrackingPoint.

What if you could become a marksman sniper within minutes, even if you had never handled a weapon before in your life?

TrackingPoint, a Texas company, has developed a 'Smart Rifle' that sounds as if it comes right out of a sci-fi movie. The CEO stated, "We're taking centuries old tech, firearms and ammunition, and introducting 21st century technology to it."

The rifle features a network scope with a sophisticated system they are calling XactSystem. The tracking scope has a digital display that allows the user to laser tag (paint) a moving target. The system then calibrates and measures a number of different factors including wind / barometric pressure / incline / drift / range / temperature. The guided trigger will only fire when the system determines that you have the greatest chance of hitting the target. It basically turns anyone into a human aimbot and can drastically increase your chance of hitting the target for up to 1200 yards on some models.

The company began shipping out the PGF Smart rifles this week to the public, but if your looking to pick one up for Christmas. Prepare to shell out some cash, because the price tag is currently $22,500 for one of these firearms. But that does include a free ipad mini, because the scopes also feature wifi and can record audio and video and relay it back to mobile devices. I told you it sounded like a sci-fi movie!