• 12 years ago
Hindi devotional song 'Prabhu ji mori binati suno' by Anandmurti Gurumaa from devotional album 'Nishabad Prarthana'.

About Nishabd Prarthana
A prayer with a difference, Nishabd Prarthna is a jubiliant celebration for a person in love with the Master or the Lord! It is a prayer which requires no knowledge of scriptures, no knowledge of religion either. In fact this is a prayer beyond all ideas of religion, a prayer of love, a direct heart to heart connection with the divine. The music of this album is contemporary, as against traditional hymns one normally sways to in prayer. Nevertheless this song not only allows you to sing an innocent prayer of love, it indeed encourages you to break out into a ball dance with your Lord. How else would you imagine spending time with the one you love? Isn’t prayer a way to spend time with the greatest and sweetest lover of all, God. Packed with a song of silence from Gurumaaji as well as a sing along karaoke, ‘Nishabd Prarthna’ is all you need to unleash your creativity in prayer and sweep the unconquerable Lord off ‘his’ or ‘her’ feet!

Need more information? Visit, http://www.gurumaa.com/store/celebration-of-love-prayer.html

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