P.Pulsometer Co. (Pvt) Ltd.,

"PPCO" - P.Pulsometer Co. (Pvt) Ltd., Ammonia Compressor, Water Chilling Plant (Mobile/Fixed Type), Process Chilling Plant (Mobile/Fixed Type), Air Handling Unit (Diffuser), All type of Condensers, All type of Coolers, Ammonia Liquid Receivers, Ammonia Valve Fittings and Allied machinery are backed by a reputation for long experience and resource of a long established firm with full technical "Know How", which pioneered in the manufacture of these plants and allied equipments in Pakistan Since 1953-54.

Therefore we enjoy good reputation both inland and aboard for quality and performance of our manufactured products.

We are always ready to accept the challenging jobs on “turn-key” basis right from designing, manufacturing, installation and commissioning.
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