Out There: Crimes of the Paranormal (2024) Season 1 Episode 1: Web of Lizard People
A deadly explosion in Nashville shines a national spotlight on the decades-long history of lizard people, from the murky swamps of South Carolina to the darkest corners of the web.
A deadly explosion in Nashville shines a national spotlight on the decades-long history of lizard people, from the murky swamps of South Carolina to the darkest corners of the web.
00:45Granger Taylor was like a big brother to me
00:50But the whole story behind truth about Granger nobody can answer
01:00And when Granger left
01:02It was the worst storm anchor Island had had in years
01:07But he said that was gonna be a chance of a lifetime to go to space
01:15He told me the day was already chosen by the aliens and they're here they're here now
01:20and of course, we're looking out the window trying to see through the clouds and
01:25And I'm 15, so, you know, I believe that he's going and
01:38And that was the last time anybody had seen him I was the last person ever see
02:20Over the years
02:22People have been asking me about what happened to Granger. I was hearing all of this stuff. That was just sheer BS
02:31It bothered me a bit because I literally was with the guy almost every day right up until the end
02:41I always tell people there's so many different memories
02:45I have and there's a few things that I felt a lot of people have missed
02:52People don't just vanish off the face of this planet
02:57There's billions of people that believe in a god and there's absolutely zero
03:03evidence yet billions of people believe in it and
03:07Then I believe in aliens and I'm nuts
03:11Go figure
03:15I'm thoroughly convinced that we don't have proof
03:20What happened to Granger
03:30I remember driving into Duncan for one of the first times
03:34It's very rugged. It's very remote and it almost feels like you fall into it a little bit
03:38I was trying to find a story. I was like a really green journalist and I was hungry. I
03:44Came across Granger story
03:46There was talks of his mechanical genius
03:49But also his obsession with UFO and aliens and other planets and I was enthralled
03:56from there
03:57I just kind of became obsessed and I started digging in the local archives and then I think the big thing for me is I
04:03Kept seeing this person commenting on this post saying, you know
04:06if you want the real story about Granger or someone needs to come talk to me and
04:11Once I tracked Robert down and he started talking about Granger and how he knew him how close they were. I was immediately hooked
04:22I finished the seventh grade. I didn't want to go to grade eight
04:26so when I dropped out of school, I had nothing to do except hang out with my other dropout friends and
04:33You know the streets of Duncan were the place to be and I'm not saying that we did anything super criminal
04:40But we were kind of going down that road
04:43My dad was really concerned about me ending up either in prison or dead and
04:49I just kind of remember Granger saying I'll take them. I got projects going on the farm all the time
04:54He can come and help me and it'll keep him out of out of trouble
04:59So eight o'clock every morning he'd come bang on my door and get me out of bed and off we go
05:06In the beginning, I thought my father was kind of punishing me by making me hang out at this farm and worked for this guy for free
05:13But it only took a few days and I didn't want to leave
05:18It came out that he owned a train
05:21Okay a train like we're thinking toy train and then when they said no real train
05:30He found it down a gully it had derailed and he was out there
05:34Ripped it apart piece by piece by bolt scattered it all throughout the yard
05:39And then he would fix them all up and put it all back together
05:44That's like awesome you get to climb up there and stand on the train is it
05:49Down the tracks and you get to pull the horn and that's like Disneyland
05:53Granger was like the ultimate big brother, you know, what's our adventure today's Granger and he always had a plan I
06:02Hate to admit it but Granger was more intelligent than I was and I thought I was the best mechanic that was ever born
06:10Him and I got along great I
06:13Believe he had 28 cars that he had
06:16And I say hey Granger, let's go in one of your cars drive down the main drag there and Duncan and and I'd be
06:23waving like the Queen
06:28And then Granger was totally into dynamite
06:33Every once in a while kaboom like that. Well, give me a break. I'm not gonna give you a break
06:37I'm not gonna give you a break. I'm not gonna give you a break. I'm not gonna give you a break
06:41I'm not gonna give you a break. I'm not gonna give you a break
06:43I'm not gonna give you a break
06:46Well Granger made his own cannons. This guy was a brain
06:53he had the brain where he could look inside stuff and build it just like right inside here and just
06:59Like nothing. Hey, I don't know. It was just the way Granger is kind of like, you know where they say that
07:05When you're a genius you're right on the borderline of nuts
07:12Were at an air show
07:14Watching a couple of World War two planes flew over and there was one of them had the shark teeth painted on it
07:20Oh, he says I want one of those and I said, well, how do you buy one of those? He says we'll make one
07:28And he built a plane basically from scratch
07:32And I felt special when he gave me a paintbrush and I got to paint the first shark tooth
07:39Just one tooth, but you know, he still he he made me feel like I was a part of that
07:49Robert was the first person to tag along with Granger and would come over to the property and hang out to be honest at
07:55First I thought it was strange. I was like why is a grown man like hanging out with teenagers?
08:00I think a lot of it was that you know Granger dropped out in grade eight
08:03Just like Robert and I think being a dropout and not having much to do
08:07It'd be really easy to want to go hang out and see what Granger was up to
08:11There was a bit of a mythology starting around Granger
08:14He was kind of quietly the talk of the town like who is this guy?
08:17Who's just doing these incredible incredible feats of mechanical wonders?
08:23Our neighborhood we call him the gentle giant that was his nickname
08:28But Granger didn't quite fit in with the group
08:30He kind of went off by himself and he'd say I need a project. I need I need a project to be out of place
08:39He liked to be alone because people got in the way, you know
08:42He was more interested in doing his thing
08:45And when you're as smart as he is, you're kind of you got this eccentric type
08:51Or around you like when he says I want to paint my truck
08:56And he had these paint cans and it was pink and we kind of went pink
09:03Of course I'm 15 I thought it was funny but it was Granger like nobody would think twice
09:09They'd see a pink truck. Oh, what that? Oh, that's Granger. Yeah
09:13We we expect that out of Granger
09:16He just had a different type of fun
09:35Were at the farm
09:36Out of the blue it kind of stopped what he was doing and he said, oh I had the craziest dream last night
09:42And of course, I'm thinking now it's a dream about girls if he's telling me it's got to be a dream about girls
09:47But he said I was visited by aliens. And of course, I'm like, oh cool
09:56Unidentified flying objects
09:58Some these UFOs will be miracles to others real but unexplainable
10:03Whatever the government may think about them unidentified flying objects seem to be popular with the people
10:08Columbia Pictures reports that its film close encounters of a third kind has grossed thirty nine million dollars in three weeks
10:15People walking out of the theater are glancing upward
10:21Grew up in the age of all the aliens Atlanta and you know anti-gravity shit and all that
10:26And Granger studied UFOs from when he was a kid
10:33Ranger had whole bunch of UFO magazines and all these alien books here. He did a lot of reading on it
10:41They were taking off to the moon then and that's probably what sparked his interest in outer space
10:49During that time in popular culture
10:51Films about space aliens UFOs were exploding
10:55You have close encounters of the third kind Star Wars Star Trek ET invasion of the body snatchers
11:10And so all of this drives people to want to believe a bit more and
11:16Whenever you bring up Duncan and UFOs, there's folklore and mythology around it within the town
11:23Where we live in Duncan when it was dark it was dark
11:26and it's one of the few places where you can look up at the sky and actually see the strip of the Milky Way and
11:34I've heard stories about
11:36UFO sightings and it goes back from even before I was born, but it's not just anywhere
11:42In the skies over Duncan. It's usually over Mount Prevot
11:48There is a time I was at a drive-in
11:51Of course
11:52We're watching the movie and now all of a sudden people in the drive-in or honking their horns
11:56We looked up and there was some lights going across the sky
11:59We really kind of crazy things like they're zipping like different directions zip stop
12:06zip stop
12:07zip stop
12:14Of course we had no explanation for it and nobody knew and it was just a huge thing
12:18It was in the paper the next day and as far as we're concerned
12:21It's UFO right and I witnessed that firsthand and that was over Mount Prevot. It was all happening over Mount Prevot
12:28So that one was seen for miles and miles and miles around
13:01Was with Granger we were going back and forth and we're talking about other dimensions
13:07He was at one of the metal recycling places metal dumps in town and
13:13That's when he spotted the radar dishes and says this is going to be the next project
13:23So he went and got these dishes and they're like 18 feet in diameter, so they were big dishes
13:31And he set one up on a cradle
13:34Somebody went hey, what are you building a spaceship?
13:40He put the two dishes together
13:43Welded up and he made a spaceship and that was his getaway because he still lived in his parents house
13:51He had built a spaceship
13:53It was a UFO typical UFO. It was as big as this room and then he had couches you could sit in
14:00Granger hung out there with Robert and that would make him happy
14:10We'd go out there on the weekends and we'd you know party all weekend and there was just one day
14:16He said I had another dream and I wasn't expecting the aliens again
14:24And he said they came and visited me
14:26I'm telling you I could feel their energy. I could smell their vinegary odor
14:32And I'm kind of giggling about it because I how do you take that seriously, right?
14:38And he said but it was so vivid. It's like it really happened
14:44I said, what did they look like and he described them as just being very slender like really stick type people
14:52It didn't open their mouth and he said I'm telling you I could feel their energy
14:56But they were able to communicate with him telepathically
15:01And he says this time they told me that they wanted me to go to their planet
15:05It's a 42-month journey. They're gonna come and get me and it's gonna be during a storm
15:16He asked them why and they said because their ship isn't silent
15:21They need the storm to mask their ship
15:29Granger finished his story and said they want me to come to their planet and you know
15:33See their people and talk about earth and explain some of the things that I do and I said, well, why would they pick you?
15:39why wouldn't they pick like Carl Sagan or or
15:43Stephen Hawking and he said cuz Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking can tell you all day long on a blackboard how to build things
15:50He says I actually build things and that's why they chose me
15:56So he said it's perfect I'll be the first human in history to ever do this
16:01He says I'll get to go to places where no other human will ever get to go
16:16At this point, you know, I was already smoking pot. Is that on the records?
16:21Oh, I guess it's legal now so I can say
16:24So I said, you know, maybe we just we smoked a little too much pot last night
16:32Ranger it was sort of becoming more distant in a way because I think he was trying some acid
16:39LSD or whatever. So he's coming a bit different
16:44But everybody was doing it then, you know
16:51Already did acid and the people around here couldn't understand him about UFOs and nobody took Ranger, you know
16:58Shut up, we're tired and it's kind of crappy
17:02He was saying I gotta have another project all the time
17:08Maybe this taking off in space was another project
17:17It just got to a point where these dreams were reoccurring every night every night every night and then they would give more details more
17:24details more details
17:27And finally he came and said, you know what this is almost getting scary because it's becoming real this is going to happen
17:39I said well, you don't want to go now or and he goes and it's a chance of a lifetime
17:45I have to go right like I'm not gonna turn this down
17:49During that time Granger gets a will and probate together, which is like very bizarre for a 32 year old and
17:56The strangest thing about it is that he crossed out the word death and wrote departure
18:05The day was already chosen by the aliens November 29th and
18:11Granger said this is gonna be like the storm of the century
18:17When it happened
18:19The Times Colonist out of Victoria, which is a newspaper in Victoria wrote it down as the storm of the century
18:36It's about five o'clock
18:38Granger came to our house said goodbye to my family
18:43He was super happy, you know, I'm going today's the day it's all happening gave me a hug and said, you know, this is it
18:51So I asked him I said can I go with you?
18:54And my dad joking about it said yeah, take him. He's a pain in my ass, you know, take him take him
19:00Go ahead, you know, you got my permission cuz dad never believed it in the first place
19:05And Granger said I can't
19:08And I said why?
19:15Said you weren't invited
19:20Then he left
19:51Have gone away to walk aboard an alien spaceship as reoccurring dreams assured a 42-month
19:59Interstellar voyage to explore the vast universe then return
20:08Am leaving behind all my possessions to use as I will no longer will require the use of any
20:16Please use the instructions in my will as a guide to help love Granger
20:27That was the last day I saw him that's the last day anyone saw him
20:52When I got the news that Granger disappeared I was living in apartment in Vancouver
20:59so her dad phone the police and
21:02Mom was in Hawaii and that was hard on her
21:08It was a shot to the whole family to me especially because we were very close
21:21I was a reporter at the local newspaper here in Victoria
21:25They learned that Granger had vanished and when I went into the background
21:29There was a very intriguing element, of course with regard to the UFOs and Granger meeting aliens
21:37It's a very sort of strange thing because there's that there's this short little note
21:42But the details of his disappearance were really not widely known
21:48But I was in touch with the police lost over the years so I went up and looked at the police report
21:54This is the first entry
21:56November 29th 1980. Mr. Taylor last saw Granger at 7 a.m
22:01November 29th note was left in his room stuck on a closet door along with the will
22:07Another entry December 3rd 1980 another person
22:11I saw Granger talking to someone in Bob's grill
22:14Talked of the upcoming space trip would not divulge where set to take place that same day
22:21Please check on Privo area for vehicle unable to get up due to snow
22:26That was their focus of investigation trying to find his little Datsun flew in a fixed wing and searched area
22:33Negative air patrol made near on Privo also negative checked motor vehicle branches all negative regarding vehicle
22:42So there's a lot of questions a lot of questions raised
22:47The police hit a dead end, you know, they had no leads and so they're like well we need to find the truck
22:52That's mentioned over and over like how can we have not seen this truck and everyone knows Granger drives a pink truck
22:59But there's not a shred of evidence of where he went
23:02So it very quickly becomes a cold case
23:10I heard all kinds of things like oh your friend
23:13He was crazy right from the get-go might as well stop looking because now it's a body search
23:19We got several stages here we got disbelief belief in that part in the middle
23:25And when he wrote I will be away for 42 months now. I'm starting to
23:32Say maybe there was there was something to this, you know
23:38That time is particularly devastating for his parents
23:42Granger was very close with his mother. It was heartbreaking
23:46The note said that he would be back in 42 months old made my mother kind of hopeful and sad at the same time because
23:54Maybe he's still gonna come back
23:58Wait and see, you know
24:24Was still working for the Coast Guard at that time and I went out onto the deck of the boat and sat out there
24:31Gazing up into the air
24:34Waiting for Granger to come
24:39That was how much I
24:40Respected what Granger said
24:43When he said he was going to do something he was definitely going to do it
24:48And I wanted to be outside
24:50Watching him when he came back
24:56People asked me oh, are you excited Granger's coming back and I said no he's not he won't be there
25:03And they were what do you mean? He said 42 months
25:06But I knew that I wasn't going to see him again
25:12Just a few days before he left
25:14He told me that the 42 month journey would be his
25:19Travel time so his he's only going to age 42 months
25:24Granger explained to me their planet is on the other side of our galaxy. It's over a hundred thousand light years away
25:31Now the only way to do that in 42 months is to fold space now. We're talking 1980s
25:36I'd never ever ever heard about folding space
25:39they fold space and we travel between
25:42Their planets on that side our planets on this side. That's a 42 month round trip back to earth
25:49and I said
25:50So it's only 42 months and he said yeah, but we're still a hundred thousand light years away
25:56So I will be 42 months older
25:59And you'll be long dead and gone
26:02Your kids will be long dead and gone. Your grandkids will be long dead and gone
26:08A hundred thousand years will have passed on earth
26:14Granger visited me in vancouver maybe a week or two before he left that note
26:20He asked could he stay in the living room?
26:22And then I asked my roommates and they said no because be too crowded or whatever
26:27But I thought you know if he'd stayed there for three or four nights or whatever until mom came back from hawaii
26:34And you know, maybe everything would have gone as normal
26:41I knew he was having a hard time. In fact, he actually had a personal ad running in the paper
26:49man 22 discreet
26:51shy very lonely
26:54Owns interest in museum, etc. Like shows outings travel, etc
26:59Wishes genuine companion partnership of unattached girl 18 to 25 break ranger taylor
27:05He had no clue what he was doing
27:08He didn't know what he was doing
27:09He really really didn't he knew he needed a girlfriend and like that, but he didn't know what to do next
27:16I mean, here's the guy who predominantly hangs out with you know teenagers and he's a grown man
27:21I don't think he had a lot of intimacy in his life
27:23Like i've never heard anyone mention that he had you know a woman in his life that was really important or someone else
27:28You know a significant other
27:31He was also very smart like he was so far beyond mechanically what local people could do that
27:36He probably didn't have anyone to really talk to about it
27:39And maybe the more he started to think about other planets other places
27:45That becomes exciting that becomes well, maybe I could connect somewhere else
27:54Did go and see mrs
27:56Taylor quite a few times after granger left and we sat down at the kitchen table and
28:02You know, I tried to explain to her what he had said to me and she said well granger's not a liar
28:07So if he says he's coming back in 42
28:10Space months however long that takes us
28:13You know, he's he's coming back
28:16And she never let go of that because she loved her children dearly dearly they were her world
28:25His mom
28:27Strong strong relationship
28:41Mom and dad kept the front door open for granger after he left that note
28:47They did leave the porch light on too for granger in case he did come home
29:21Six years later, they said they found a crater up on the mountain
29:30And uh in this crater there were pieces of a truck
29:41Municipal work crews are working in an area on mount provoked and they find something startling
29:47There's a huge crater lots of metal fragments. There's a tire rim 60 feet up in the air in a tree
29:55The police show up they start canvassing the area and quickly realize yeah, this is a massive explosion
30:07I drove up the mountain and examined the vehicle. We examined the site
30:15On what was left of the truck?
30:18There's a serial number
30:20And it was the serial number of granger's vehicle
30:29When granger left
30:31My father and I had been blasting a bunch of stumps
30:35And there was a case of powder left over
30:40And I determined that he had taken the case of powder with him when he went up the mountain
30:48There was holes in the ground the truck was sitting on where the powder had exploded
30:56So that's what made me decide that's what he had done
31:03I knew that granger was gone
31:10It was a great loss
31:16It struck me very strange that it wasn't until
31:21Five years since granger's disappearance that the police report mentions
31:26That some dynamite was missing
31:28their investigation from 1981 to 1985
31:33And then in 85, we got to some dynamite missing 86. They find a car destroyed. Oh, let's link these two together
31:42But it's hard to draw a conclusion from that
31:46There's nothing there to confirm that granger was blown up with the car
31:52Going through the site the biggest piece of evidence that the police end up finding are some bone fragments
32:00And there was no dna testing then the pathologist could declare it was a human bone but not that they were grangers
32:07But despite that it's that blast site and all that circumstantial evidence
32:11In the eyes of the coroner and the police they were like, well, this is now a closed case
32:15This is not a missing person anymore granger died in in that blast
32:21For a lot of people that's the end of the granger story, um for a lot of people it's not it just raises more questions
32:30The whole story behind the investigation is fishy
32:35That he went up on the mountain in this storm and brought dynamite with him
32:42granger committed suicide
32:45as if a genius is going to put dynamite under his truck and and
32:50Blow himself up guy was a genius and he was an expert with dynamite. He didn't make mistakes
32:57Robert keller. I gotta trust the man. He was with him near those final days and
33:03Nah, I don't see granger doing that. I don't see himself setting himself up like that and doing that
33:10The human bone fragments even the coroner said it was inconclusive
33:15Inconclusive inconclusive inconclusive everything was inconclusive. I don't know about you. But to me inconclusive means we don't know
33:25RCmp is supposed to be the best in the world the canadian equivalent to your fbi
33:31How can you close a case that's inconclusive it doesn't work that way
33:43In this case it's regrettable that there wasn't more of a investigation done
33:49The hard facts aren't there
33:52I presume suicide who knows?
33:56Did he leave to meet aliens?
33:58Who knows was it something else?
34:00We don't know
34:02There's all sorts of very intriguing aspects that are totally totally unanswered in this case
34:12One of the things that's always confused me
34:15This bs story about the truck up on the mountain being granger's but yet nothing was consistent with granger's truck
34:30Here's where the bullshit starts
34:33There was a serial number off a truck from the blast site
34:40The pickup they found out there was blue
34:45That was a crazy truck his truck was pink
34:50Didn't have a blue truck. He had a pink truck. I literally painted it. I know it was pink
34:55That was the truck that he backed out of my driveway out that last day
35:02And then
35:03That vin number was a partial vin number. It wasn't a complete vin number
35:08To say that partial vin number is consistent with granger's truck
35:13There could be a hundred thousand trucks that that was also consistent with
35:19Plus there was a license plate found
35:22Nobody talks about that because the license plate didn't match granger. So the license plate we're going to discard that
35:28They found a wheel up in the tree from the explosion. It was a mag wheel granger didn't have mags on his truck
35:35You know, I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but something's wrong with that picture
35:40You know, what are you guys hiding?
35:46You know, there is a member of the family that had connections with the police
35:51And this of course is just my opinion
35:53but I believe that
35:55They did what they had to do to close the case just to give mrs
35:59Taylor peace of mind because her health wasn't great and after six years they wanted to kind of
36:05Ease her mind because she loved her kids. She loved her kids dearly
36:09And she would have never given up on granger she went to her grave waiting and hoping
36:17There are people out there who think that might not be granger's vehicle that was found no
36:24It was his pickup and it was granger that was there
36:30No, that's total fabrication
36:36Don't believe everything he says
36:49There's a lot of theories that are going around
36:52But you have to look at the facts, you know certainties you can't trust memories because it gets skewed especially with time
36:59And the police report constantly refers to a blue datsun pickup truck
37:03A truck was probably registered in that color, but look at what the police report says about this explosion
37:10It was massive. There was hardly any of the truck left
37:12Like the only parts that survived were like the engine block it would have been conceivable that that pink paint just burned away
37:20And i'm sure the family wanted closure, but whether someone would force that or manufacture something to get there
37:27It's interesting
37:28And it's interesting to me for one reason only is that I do know that in january of 1986 two months before
37:35The blast site is located that granger's parents
37:39Filed to have him declared dead so they could access his will
37:43The timing of that is I mean, yeah, it's a little strange but um
37:49Was there collusion? Yeah, it's possible one family member and the rcmp helped to fabricate the story
37:57They needed to close up that situation so the family could rest and all that
38:01Legal stuff had to be all finalized. So if it was done it was done for the right reasons
38:08for his mom and dad
38:10Did your family ever have like a funeral or a memorial after the truck was found and some of I know we never did
38:18Because there was still hope that he might come back
38:21And mom never did get over it
38:25All i've ever said provide proof
38:29Prove to me that that was granger's truck. Show me one piece of pink paint
38:35Show me the bones. Where is all of that stuff? They've lost it
38:39What happened the bones? Why don't the rcmp still have them? Why weren't they ever dna tested even later on?
38:45It's like well things get lost especially after 30 40 years
38:48So is it acceptable no, but it happens and so that's a big contentious point and why a lot of people won't let
38:55the granger story go
38:57People want to go a little further down the rabbit hole
39:08Well, we're in the cloud so we must be really close
39:13Yeah, i've been coming up this mountain ever since I was like old enough to walk my brothers and I used to hike up
39:19to the top all the time
39:23Just a little ways down here is where they said they found this this truck
39:38So this is the spot
39:41Just in here it's all overgrown now
39:44But this was the spot where they claimed that they found the truck
39:47And there was supposed to be a crater in the ground just back in here
39:52And a few years went by we came out here
39:56And we just found a small little ditch, but there was no truck parts left on it
40:01But they claimed they had cleaned everything up and that's the reason why we didn't find any parts
40:07But i'm still saying it wasn't granger's truck
40:17I'm not in denial. It's been quite
40:20It's almost 40 years. I mean i'm not in denial. I'm i'm I just want to know i'm like everybody else
40:26I want to know what happened to granger. I have to believe he went to space. I still believe he went to space
40:33Nobody not even the rcmp can tell me different unless they provide me proof
40:43I go back and forth over the years of like what I think actually happened to granger, but
40:49it's starting to
40:51Not really matter so much like to me. It's the why
40:56If you think about all the possibilities of what happened to granger
40:59Whether he was of sound mind or not to do it on purpose or by accident
41:03You know, he could have been having some sort of mental health crisis or depressive episodes
41:08Um, I just don't know where his head was at and I think no one knows and that's the enigma of all of this
41:13Because we don't have the truth
41:16We are talking about this man as in the past that's wrong that's wrong
41:24Granger is still here. Yeah granger is still here
41:32A lot of different reasons people he knew things he made
41:38He left a huge legacy
41:42Granger restored so many things a lot of them are in the forest museum
41:48his cars
41:50the locomotive
41:51It's got his own room where it's sitting. It's beautiful
41:57I think a lot of people want to believe in a way
42:01That granger did meet aliens
42:04Because grief can be a really hard thing to deal with
42:10If granger is in space right now, he's definitely happy because he'll be doing the mechanics and he would have found his project
42:19Who knows he might have met a an alien girl?
42:26Maybe he will come back, you know, you never know
42:36There's so many different memories I have and i've told people
42:41For years and years and years, you know, despite what they've heard about him
42:45You know the real him
42:48That's a story in itself
42:51I mean if I was an alien and I needed to take somebody granger taylor would have been the guy
43:01If granger's got some satellite dish on that spaceship and this is going out to him, um
43:07I would have to say I miss you, right? I miss you
43:11I wish you were here
43:15And I hope you're having fun
43:17Because that's what he he said, right? It was it was going to be a chance of a lifetime. So
43:23I'm happy for him. I hope he's enjoying his trip
43:27And i'll miss him